Got The Yuck

Woke up yesterday with a headache that soon became a massive headwrecker with a side of nausea. Cameron thought I was getting The Ick - the bug he had a week ago - but it was only The Yuck.

I went to a friend's house night before last, thinking we'd be going out for dinner. Turned out the plan was to help her make dinner. It was fun and tasty, but now I think those meatballs weren't cooked as thoroughly as they should have been. I remember one of them looked a tad pink in the center and at the time I thought, I wonder if that should be pink?

Best part though, after dinner we played Guitar Hero and it was amazingly fun. I don't know how they make it *feel* good to hit the right notes, but they've done it. I'm hooked. Can't wait to start rockin out at home.