Crispy Air

warehouse light in oakland

Walking to pick up lunch today, the air outside was different. It had that subtle crispness that means, summer is over. Fall was in the air. Bummed me out.

As a kid I hated this time of year - it meant going back to school. No more long days running around outside until it was dark - all day to do whatever I wanted... Now it means soon it'll be dark outside long before it's time to head home from work. Blah.

But now it's time again for the Race for the Cure. I wonder how long it'll take me this year to recover from running a 5K without any training. Any typical training, that is.

My regimen this year has consisted of running up & down Bart escalators, moving extremely heavy furniture around the house, countless loads of laundry (which includes stairs), shopping downtown, vacuuming, swiffering, catching rats, watching Deadwood, and kayaking. I'm totally ready.