Fishy Eggs

Last night we had a delicious salad for dinner - second night in a row. The hubs is joining me more often in having healthier fare, after growing up in Michigan where "vegetables" came out of a slimy can into a gelatinous glob - he used to hate them. Now he even eats kale! But I digress...

We're eating our salads and after he's about halfway through he says, "The egg tastes really weird - it tastes like fish."  I'd cooked 'em, peeled 'em & cut 'em and I never smelled a fishy thing, and mine tasted fine. I thought it might be some weird interaction of the lemon juice with avocado with onion and the yolk... No idea.

Then I tried a bite of his. Holy barnacles - it was like I'd just bitten into a warm, rotting fish head. Dis. Gus. Ting. Thankfully, it's perfectly fine to eat, if you enjoy eating 4-day old rotting fish.

We'd just bought some "omega 3" eggs and I suspect our little layers ended up with a little too much fish meal in the feed. I boiled some of those along with regular eggs and of course now I have no idea which is which. But I'll sure as shad roe find out when I go to make egg salad.