This Explains It...

I keep thinking I’m going to write so many posts, but it just doesn’t happen. This is a great explanation about lack of motivation right now. It’s a whole new level of inertia.

Things feel “normal,” to some degree, but they’re anything but. I can handle the usual daily tasks, but not much more. I find watching reruns of 90s TV shows to be very soothing. Life in the Before Times.

I’m hoping that with a new administration, better COVID information, understanding, and treatments, life will start to feel easier again.

The good thing is, as a GenXer who spent a LOT of time alone as a kid, I’m uniquely suited to LIfe During Pandemictime. It’s taken a while to start feeling the effects of cabin fever and never-ending monotony. Get up, come downstairs to work, spend all day in my office, leave my office to cook dinner in the very next room, eat in front of the TV, go to bed, then get up, come downstairs to work… Time really has lost all meaning.

But, here I am, posting something. So there’s that! Progress!