About EBV...

…Epstein-Barr Virus…


The virus behind mononucleosis - mono - and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. From Kissing the Epstein-Barr virus goodbye?

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of eight viruses in the herpes family. Also known as human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4), it is one of the most common viruses in humans, with between 90 and 95 per cent of adults infected.

The Medical Medium has covered this extensively and believes it’s behind a whole buncha health problems, including hypothyroidism. Grain of salt, IMHO, but he has some interesting theories.

But, what I learned from my naturopath was mind-blowing. If you get an EBV antibody test, you're likely to see evidence of past infection - positive for mono in your youth, for example - and negative for current, active infection. Or if it truly has reactivated, the current antibody result will be positive.

However, if the current antibody result is negative, that's not the whole story. There are other markers that if elevated, can indicate a reactivation of the virus. And that could cause ongoing fatigue, foggy brain, and generally feeling like garbage.

So, there are additional tests you can get to look for those elevated markers. If EBV is reactivated, it can be suppressed, which should help you feel better.

Monolaurin is very effective at suppressing these viruses. It destroys the lipid cell barrier, rendering it useless. Basically kills it. I have to suspect vitamin C would be helpful as well - I've read (I think it was Linus Pauling's book) that vitamin C taken at high enough doses over a long enough period of time can kill dormant viruses living in your cells. Maybe, maybe not - more studies are needed.

Lysine may also be effective - it prevents HSII from replicating. Maybe it works the same on the entire family of herpes viruses?

So, if you've had mono at some point in your life and have been dealing with debilitating fatigue and can't seem to understand why, get an EBV antibody test and find a good naturopath who can interpret the results. It could be EBV, it could be hypothyroidism, it could be peri-menopause - or all three! It could also be low iron - especially if your diet is plant-based and you're experiencing heavy periods.

Side note: If you have heavy, long periods, you're losing iron, and you need iron to stop bleeding. So, the longer, heavier periods you have, the more iron you lose, the longer and heavier your periods will be. Neat! So get your iron levels checked, too.

This would explain why for years I've struggled through bouts of chronic fatigue when seemingly all else was normal. And it would also explain why so many traditional MDs see a negative result on the antibody test and think all is well. Just like with subclinical hypothyroidism...

Also, I am not a doctor and this not medical advice. Just a story about viruses and fatigue, like so many good stories. The End.